Monday, April 2, 2012

Bird Watching

We have birds in our back yard. Many, MANY birds. Their chirping is the soundtrack to my day, starting in the unholy hours of the morning when the sun begins to lighten the sky. They have recently been feasting on the grass seed we laid down in the back yard in our pathetic attempts to resurrect the lawn.

My girls are love the birdies and like to watch them at their antics and like to "help" me chase them off the grass. One recent afternoon, while their dad and I toiled away on the yard, the girls set up shop and it was pretty darn cute.

This last one was my favorite!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for pictures!!! Yay for fun stuff to share!! Yay for posting!! Loved everything you shared today/yesterday. Whatever. Anyway. The backyard looks like it's coming along FAB. I love the idea of pouring concrete and then putting those bricks in there on top. Glue those puppies right in there. I wonder if that will help keep the grass out better from your lovely beds? And the planting boxes! Woot! I swear you have more fun creativity for parties in your little toe than I have in my whole body. And thanks for the motivation to update my blog too. I have bunches to share...but the time right now? Hmmm.
