Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Under Construction

Well, here it is a new year already. When did that happen?

Aaaand, that pretty much sums up the last 10 months.

"Blog" has been on my 'To Do' list for months, usually noted like this: BLOG!! (underlined too)
You can see how well I paid attention to my list. There were some bigger items on there and they kind of took up a lot of time, and can best be summed up by the title of this post....

Under Construction
Allow me to clarify:
1. We split the girls into two separate rooms, in which process I lost my office and the house looked like it had thrown up. And stayed that way for nearly 6 months.
2. We had a major upheaval in church responsibilities for both the Mr. and I, which was a two - three month process by the time everything got settled.
3. We finished the garage and built a storage room. (See no. 1)
4. I had a nervous breakdown.
5. I've started work again and will be done at the end of February again.
6. We've started to tame the wilderness that is our backyard - a serious undertaking I assure you. Again. Oh - but this time we have a real plan. It's not just hacking the jungle back for the third time.

And, that's just the stuff I can remember off the top of my head, People!

It's truly been a life under construction lately. So, pardon the dust and watch your heads, I intend to do better in the new year at keeping my blog updated on every grisly detail. Should be fun, right?!

Wait....! Where are you going.......?


  1. Yay! Keep it coming, Hillary! You can do it! Oh, and you're a superwoman. I am constantly amazed at how much you do. We can't wait to come to Katie's baptism!

  2. You're back! You're back!! I'm so excited. I still haven't seen pictures of your fab fence. And when you're ready for backyard de-construction/construction help you'd better call!! I have able bodies around here who would love to come to someplace more tropical than here. Good luck with the school testing stuff. Love you!!
