Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Eight is Great!

Hard to believe that eight years ago our lives changed dramatically and in a fashion that we never expected. We knew that adding a child to our lives would be a big adjustment, but when that child came precariously and prematurely into the world our course altered completely. I've heard it compare to getting on a plane expecting to go to England and finding that when you arrive you have landed in Germany. Both are great places, but your journey in Germany is vastly different from what you were prepared for in your journey to England.

Today I've been reflecting on that time eight years ago and some of the feelings I had then. Some of them are still the same: pride in a beautiful and tenacious child, worry for her future, excitement at small gains, total bewilderment at times, but most of all, love. We had to fight for her then, and we have to fight for her now.

Here's her 8 years in 8 photos, a little taste of our journey with Big Sis:

It's been a different journey from what we expected, but what an incredible path we have taken.
You've come a long way, baby!


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